NYU Abu Dhabi Fellowship Continues Tarek Al-Ghoussein’s Artistic Legacy

Adele Bea Cipste, the inaugural recipient of the fellowship, describes her studies and the support provided by the late Professor.

My art practice is primarily rooted in photography and drawing, and takes strong interest in the body's relation to landscape, often with layers of reflection on my own position as an observer. Recently, much of my work has developed in response to specific sites within the UAE. 

My current academic interests are the historical and current development of the city of Abu Dhabi, the various ways in which desert environments have been framed in different colonial contexts, and, broadly speaking, how time, memory and traces of human presence make themselves known in the built environment. 

I finished my BA studies relatively recently, in 2022 (graduating from NYUAD), and was accepted into the MFA program the same year. I was eager to continue my education relatively shortly after completing my bachelor's degree to push my practice further and due to my long-term interest in teaching. 

Receiving this fellowship has meant a lot to me and has been profound support in beginning these studies. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the classes so far, and the opportunity to be in a supportive, collaborative creative environment surrounded by talented peers and excellent faculty. 

One of the aspects which I have perhaps appreciated the most is having studio visits with numerous well-recognized artists, curators and scholars from different backgrounds. While I do not know how my life and career will unfold further, I do have a strong sense of meaning in continuing to contribute to the region's art ecosystem, and being able to pursue a second degree here has been valuable in continuing to practice specifically in the UAE. I think that the ways in which the program combines critical theory and art practice are quite unique both to the region and globally. 

Tarek’s consistent encouragement and trust were invaluable support back when I was applying to the MFA program in spring 2022, and a lot of the fundamental ways in which I work and interact with my surroundings on a day-to-day basis formed through our interactions. 

It means a lot to see this fellowship established as a way of continuously recognizing and sustaining his presence and impact, and to support students in the arts now and onwards. On a personal level, receiving the fellowship has also served as a way of reaffirming a connection to someone whom I deeply cared about and through whose impact I have formed as a young artist.