Application Deadline
Not sure when to apply? Visit Moses Center for more information.
All accessible housing accommodations granted to students at any NYU site, including NYU Abu Dhabi, are given through NYU Moses Center for Student with Disabilities (CSD) in New York. As such, students who need reasonable accommodations are required to follow the registration and application process with Moses Center.
NYUAD makes every effort to provide reasonable housing accommodations to students who require them. These accommodations are adjustments to policy, practice, and programs that facilitate equal access for students with disabilities to NYUAD's programs, activities, and services.
Accommodation plans and other related services are individualized based on each student’s disability-related needs, disability documentation and NYU program requirements, and are therefore determined on a case-by-case basis. For students studying at NYUAD, these accommodations are managed on site in Abu Dhabi through the NYUAD Dean of Students Office.
These accommodations include, but are not limited to:
specialized suite furniture and/or fittings
All students who are requesting reasonable accommodations are required to register with NYU Moses Center for Student with Disabilities (CSD). If available, any third-party documentation which supports your request for accommodations should also be uploaded at the time of your registration.
Not sure when to apply? Visit Moses Center for more information.
NYUAD is in accordance with applicable US federal, state, and city disability laws of New York City. Therefore NYU will review students’ requests for reasonable accommodations if they:
Requests and supporting documentation will be reviewed by a committee consisting of representatives from Moses CSD and the NYU Student Health Center, including medical and counseling professionals. Due to the varied impact a disability can have on different major life activities, Moses Center reserves the right to request separate, specific documentation for each housing or academic accommodation application.
Learn more about applying for academic accessibility.
The NYU Abu Dhabi campus is accessible for people with disabilities.