My Favorite Course in History Major
A Typical Day in This Class
The professor will get us to do some readings or watch a movie that would be used in the discussion during class. The class was typically based on discussions, which meant that the atmosphere depended heavily on participation.
What I Loved About This Class
I took the course because the description was appealing to me, and I was going to minor in history. The trip to Tanzania was the best memory of the class. That class trip combined culture, history, and gender discussions for us to experience the lives of the inhabitants in Zanzibar.
Tips on Navigating What Major or Course to Take
For me, I chose my major by looking at what makes me happy and what I am passionate about, which are politics and history. As for the courses, I used the same strategy.
Why NYU Abu Dhabi?
I was in a very diverse high school in Singapore, which is similar to NYUAD in terms of its student body composition. I also picked NYUAD because it offers the same education level as North American/European institutions.