
Astrophysics and Space Systems at NYU Abu Dhabi

The Universe spans all scales, from the subatomic particles believed to comprise Dark Matter, which dominates the mass in the Universe, to large-scale structures that span the observable universe. Astrophysics research at NYUAD spans all of these scales, as described below:

  • Cosmology, origin, and nature of Dark Matter and Dark Energy
  • Theory and simulations of galaxy formation
  • Galaxy dynamics
  • Active Galactic Nuclei
  • Accretion onto stellar mass and super-massive black holes
  • Formation and physics of compact objects (black holes and neutron stars)
  • Sun and stars physics, astroseismology, modeling, and observations
  • Composition and evolution of our universe

Space Systems Research at NYUAD

NYUAD research in the domain of Space Systems spans the fields of Telescope Instrumentation for Space Exploration, Space Communications with Satellites and Space Stations, Space and Spacecraft Robotics, Mechatronics, Photon Detection, Sensors and Actuators, Rocket Combustion and Propelling Systems. Faculty members with expertise in these domains are primarily Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering scholars who will be contributing to this program through their teaching and research.

Center for Astrophysics and Space Science

Composed of a unique combination of theorists, observers, and instrument builders dedicated to understanding the nature of the cosmos. Our research spans a vast range of temporal and spatial astronomical scales, from our own Sun and its planets to the whole Universe.

Applied Interactive Multimedia Lab

The Applied Interactive Multimedia (AIM) research group works with diverse facets of interactive multimedia and immersive multimodal systems. Our interests include the conception, engineering, and utilization of novel haptic interfaces as a new media in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).

Research Highlights

Exciting research is happening at NYU Abu Dhabi. 

Traces of Water in a Super-hot Gas Giant’s Atmosphere

Jasmina Blecic, together with a team of international experts, identified water vapor in the atmosphere of WASP-18 b — an ultra-hot gas giant 10 times more massive than Jupiter — and made a temperature map of the planet.

Unsolved Mystery

Scientists like Francesco Arneodo and Lotfi Benabderrahmane
have spent decades searching for something they can’t see.

Mind Over Dark Matter

Professor Andrea Macciò has been searching his entire life for something that science knows is there but has never seen.