Killewald, Alexandra, Angela Lee, and Paula England. “Wealth and Divorce.” Demography 60,1:147-171 (2023)
Stojmenovska, Dragana and Paula England. “Parenthood and the Gender Gap in Workplace Authority.” European Sociological Review 37,4:626-640. (2021). Chosen for best paper of the year award by European Sociological Review.
England, Paula, Andrew Levine, and Emma Mishel. “Progress Toward Gender Equality in the United States Has Slowed or Stalled.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117,13:6990-6997. (2020)
England, Paula, “Sometimes the Social Becomes Personal: Gender, Class, and Sexualities.” American Sociological Review 81:4-28. Presented as presidential address to ASA in August 2015. (2016)
England, Paula, Lawrence L. Wu, and Emily Fitzgibbons Shafer. “Cohort Trends in Premarital Births: What Role for the Retreat from Marriage?” Demography 50:2075-2104. (2016)
England, Paula, Janet Gornick, and Emily Shafer. “How Women's Employment and the Gender Earnings Gap Vary by Education in Seventeen Countries.” Monthly Labor Review, April:20-29. (2012)
Liana Sayer, Paula England, Paul Allison, and Nicole Kangas. “She Left, He Left: How Employment and Satisfaction Affect Women’s and Men’s Decisions to Leave Marriages.” American Journal of Sociology 116,6: 1981-2018. (2011)
England, Paula, “The Gender Revolution: Uneven and Stalled.” Gender & Society 24, 2:149-166. (2010)
Kelly Musick, Paula England, Sarah Edgington, and Nicole Kangas. “Education Differences in Intended and Unintended Fertility.” Social Forces 88,2:543-572. (2009)
Asaf Levanon, Paula England, and Paul Allison. “Occupational Feminization and Pay: Assessing Causal Dynamics Using 1950-2000 Census Data.” Social Forces 88, 2:865-892. (2009)
England, Paula, “Emerging Theories of Care Work.” Annual Review of Sociology 31:381-99. (2005)
Michael Bittman, Paula England, Liana Sayer, Nancy Folbre, and George Matheson. “When Does Gender Trump Money?: Bargaining and Time in Household Work.” American Journal of Sociology 109:186-214. (2003)
Michelle J. Budig, Paula England. “The Wage Penalty for Motherhood.” American Sociological Review 66:204-225. (2001)