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NYU Abu Dhabi engineering faculty and researchers are frequently featured in local and international media.

Abu Dhabi launches HealthX to advance emirate as global biotech, life sciences hub
The startup program will help onboarding 30 global life science startups into the UAE's healthcare ecosystem over the next 2 years.
Economy Middle East | May 16, 2024

Meet ‘goldene’: this gilded cousin of graphene is also one atom thick
Sheets of gold might find use as catalysts, or in light-sensing devices.
Nature | April 18, 2024

In the UAE and elsewhere, great ideas are making health obstacles easier to overcome
The advances in life sciences and biotechnology herald an era of more accurate diagnoses and treatment.
The National | January 08, 2024

UAE startups are critical for sustainable growth and disruption
The battle against climate change must be fought on every possible front.
Arabian Gulf Business Insight | March 09, 2023

Filling the banks: Is fintech leveling the playing field for small businesses in the Middle East?
Financial service companies are filling a gap, industry players say, especially as traditional financial institutions have been slow to innovate and understand customer needs and demands.
Fast Company Middle East | November 25, 2022

Measuring progress of conscious investing
What's behind the growth in conscious investing - and how do we quantify its impact?
Arabian Business | November 10, 2021

How innovative entrepreneurs are seeking to change the world
The time is ripe for young entrepreneurs to innovative and bring about change.
Gulf Business News | August 25, 2021

The Time Is Now: Why Conscious Investment Is Ready To Take Off In The Middle East
Conscious investing creates a framework for viable investments that will advance social and environmental solutions and produce financial returns in the process.
Entrepreneur Middle East | December 8, 2020

Why are there so few Emirati entrepreneurs?
Entrepreneurs from across the region flock to the UAE to set up base, but Emiratis make up less than 3 per cent of entrepreneurs. So why is this?
Wamda | August 11, 2020

It’s time to get real serious about food
New ways to enhance food security and cut down on waste will bear fruit.
Gulf News | January 28, 2020

Battle for tech dominance: China has appropriated the US economic playbook. Can the US reclaim it?
A full-blown trade war is on between the US and China, and we shouldn’t be surprised. The US has used tariffs before to protect its industries, with mixed results. Will the US be better off after imposing this latest round of tariffs? 
Times of India | February 12, 2019

American corporations need a wake-up call
The emerging middle class in China, India and across African countries will soon dwarf the U.S. total consumption, yet U.S. multinational corporations seem to be missing out on the opportunity to tap into this market.
The Hill | November 29, 2017