How Remote Learning Subverts Power and Privilege in Higher Education
Decolonize my syllabus, decolonize my curriculum, decolonize my classroom—for some time now, the term “decolonization” has been the buzzword around campus, as students and certain faculty demand inclusion and diversity in education.
EdSurge | September 06, 2021
The collection of short stories is 'not about a piece of clothing, but the conflicts, desires, and ambitions of the women under the veil'
The National | September 2, 2019
'Why are we obsessed with how women dress?'
Sabyn Javeri, author of Hijabistan, on the complex - and often, politically charged - debates that the hijab has raised in recent years
The Khaleej Times | June 7, 2019
Pakistani writer unveils the life stories of young, defiant countrywomen in a new book
Author Sabyn Javeri uses strong female voices to challenge stereotypes
The National | April 29, 2019