NYUAD faculty in the Arts and Humanities are frequently featured in local and international news media.
Why Art, Literature Are Vital To Democracy
Why are we here? Why was I created? What’s the purpose of this thing called life?
The Tide | March 18, 2022
Miguel Syjuco e le profezie letterarie: così i romanzi muovono la Storia
Da “Il buio oltre la siepe” al “Tropico del cancro” lo scrittore spiega perché sono i grandi classici a far nascere i movimenti rivoluzionari
la Repubblica | August 6, 2021
Why the Marcos Day bill has triggered protests in the Philippines
The second most corrupt politician of all time, former president Marcos's name remains forever disgraced.
The National | September 15, 2020
Rodrigo Duterte is leading a new kind of dictatorship
The Philippines is Asia’s oldest democracy, but for generations, its democratic mechanisms have been hijacked by those seeking to impose their will.
The Globe and Mail | December 08, 2018
Southeast Asians will regret giving up political rights for affluence
Young people offer best hope of challenging region's Faustian bargain
Nikkei Asian Review | November 23, 2018
The Wrong Way to Fight a Drug War
The Philippines has undertaken a brutal battle against “shabu,” or crystal methamphetamine. But the government needs to go after another target entirely.
The New York Times | August 08, 2018