
Acts of Listening Lab at Conconcordia University

In my work, the translation into the realm of digital art media practices has been extensive. The latest example is the development of the Virtual Reality project entitled: Flâneuse La caminanta, a documentary edited as an interactive environment made with a 360 video camera. The title emphasizes a nonexistent word in French and Spanish that signifies women as wanderers, which also represents the lack of inclusive public spaces through which the female-identifying body can safely exist. The video documentary exposes the perspective of seven women of color navigating urban landscapes in Mexico City, Abu Dhabi, Brooklyn, and Vancouver. The locations are selected by participants and have a personal meaning related to the memory in their everyday journeys, and their writing reflects on the relationship of inclusiveness, safety, vulnerability, and empowerment. The inclusion of Virtual Reality in my artwork, specifically in the realm of soundwalking, allowed me to approach critical questions regarding the use of this technology while speaking in terms of urbanism and feminism. The construction of feminist futures and cyberfeminism, together with my identity as a woman of color, can offer critiques regarding the use of these technologies and the degrees of inclusivity and exclusivity in the experience of users.