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As Vice Provost, Martin Klimke advises the NYUAD Provost in key decision-making for all academic, faculty, and research affairs, and supports the Provost in ensuring the highest caliber academic quality for all units by planning for and benchmarking success in meeting strategic goals over time. He also oversees the implementation of the academic strategy in collaboration with all institutional stakeholders, as well as activities and initiatives supporting the Provost Office’s strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in coordination with the Office of Inclusion and Equity.
In this role, Martin heads the Office of Academic Policies and Governance for faculty and other academic appointments. He provides leadership for developing and implementing policies and initiatives in accordance with the NYU Faculty Handbook and respective NYUAD guidelines. He also serves as the Provost’s liaison to faculty governance bodies and committees and ensures that all stakeholders are consulted, and the principles of shared governance are upheld. Martin also facilitates the development and implementation of initiatives supporting faculty opportunities and connectivity in NYU’s global network, in full consultation with the relevant Deans and program heads.
He also oversees the NYUAD Institute, the NYUAD Library, as well as the general assessment and monitoring of risk involving NYUAD’s academic operations.
To contact the Office of the Vice Provost, please email:
Martin Klimke studied at the University of Göttingen, Amherst College, and the University of Heidelberg and taught at the University of Heidelberg, Georgetown University, Rutgers University, and Meiji University, Tokyo, before joining NYU Abu Dhabi.
He is an associated faculty member in the Department of History at NYU New York and an associated researcher at the Heidelberg Center for American Studies at the University of Heidelberg as well as in Transatlantic Cultural History at the University of Augsburg, Germany.
At NYUAD, Martin has served as the Program Head for History, Faculty Council Steering Committee Chair, Senator, Associate Dean of Humanities, Vice Provost for Academic Policies and Governance, and Co-Chair of the university-wide Faculty Advisory Committee on NYU’s Global Network.
Senior Library Director and Director, Academic Technology
Marketing Coordinator
Senior Director, Accreditation and Curricular Affairs
Assistant Director, Office of the Vice Provost
Executive Director, NYUAD Institute, Professor of Literature and Arab Crossroads Studies
Assistant Director, Shared Governance and Policy Planning
Director, of the Academic Strategy Planning, Engagement, and Communication
Senior Director, Inclusion and Equity
Senior Director, Institutional Research