Gauriot, Romain, and Lionel Page. "Does success breed success? A quasi-experiment on strategic momentum in dynamic contests." The Economic Journal, Forthcoming.
Gauriot, Romain, and Lionel Page. "Fooled by performance randomness: over-rewarding luck." Review of Economics and Statistics, Forthcoming.
Gauriot, Romain, and Lionel Page. "Psychological momentum in contests: The case of scoring before half-time in football." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 149 (2018): 137-168.
Ely, Jeffrey, Romain Gauriot, and Lionel Page. "Do agents maximise? Risk taking on first and second serves in tennis." Journal of Economic Psychology 63 (2017): 135-142.
Gauriot, Romain, and Lionel Page. "I take care of my own: a field study on how leadership handles conflict between individual and collective incentives." American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 105, no. 5 (2015): 414-19.
Blomstedt, Paul, Romain Gauriot, Niina Viitala, Tapani Reinikainen, and Jukka Corander. "Bayesian predictive modeling and comparison of oil samples." Journal of Chemometrics 28, no. 1 (2014): 52-59.
Gauriot, Romain, Lawrence Gunaratnam, Rossana Moroni, Tapani Reinikainen, and Jukka Corander. "Statistical challenges in the quantification of gunshot residue evidence." Journal of forensic sciences 58, no. 5 (2013): 1149-1155.