Rafael Sánchez Crespo, Stefan Kaczmarczyk, Phil Picton, Huijuan Su. 2018. “Modelling and Simulation of a stationary high-rise elevator system to predict the dynamic interactions between its components.” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. Pages: 1–60. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2018.01.011.
Ryszard Walentyński, Rafael Sánchez Crespo, Robert Cybulski. 2012. “Linear Buckling Analysis with Different ABM K-span Arch Panels.” Journal of Architecture, Civil Engineering, Environment (ACEE). 5(2) Pages: 79–86. The Silesian University of Technology. Gliwice, Poland.
Ryszard Walentyński, Robert Cybulski, Rafael Sánchez Crespo. 2012. “Numerical Stability Analyses and Preliminary Experimental Investigation of Doubly Corrugated Steel Arch Panels.” Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (J. IASS). 54 Pages: 4–14. IASS. Madrid, Spain.
www.researchgate.net/publication/236109066_Numerical_Stability_Analyses_and_Preliminary_Experimental_Inve stigation_of_Doubly_Corrugated_Steel_Arch_Panels
Rafael Sánchez Crespo, Stefan Kaczmarczyk, Phil Picton, Huijuan Su. 2014. “The coupled nonlinear dynamics of a lift system.” AIP Conference Proceedings. 1637 Pages: 245–252. American Institute of Physics. USA. DOI: 10.1063/1.4904585.
Rafael Sánchez Crespo, Stefan Kaczmarczyk, Phil Picton, Huijuan Su. 2014. “Modelling and Simulation of a nonstationary high-rise elevator system to predict the dynamic interactions between its components.” The 4th Symposium on Lift and Escalator Technologies. ISSN: 2052-7225 (Print). 2052-7233 (Online). Pages: 174 – 181. The University of Northampton, The CIBSE Lifts group, LEIA. Northampton, UK. https://liftsymposium.org/download/LiftandEscalatorSymposiumProceedings2014.pdf
Rafael Sánchez Crespo, Stefan Kaczmarczyk, Phil Picton, Huijuan Su, Markus Jetter. 2013. “Modelling and Simulation of a High-Rise Elevator System to predict the dynamic interactions between its components.” The 3rd Symposium on Lift and Escalator Technologies. ISSN: 2052-7225 (Print). 2052-7233 (Online). Pages: 43 – 52. The University of Northampton, The CIBSE Lift group, LEIA. Northampton, UK.