Ibrahim Tahir

Global PhD Fellow in Chemistry Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
Education: BA, United Arab Emirates University (UAEU)

Research Websites: Smart Materials Lab (SML)

Research Areas: Material Science & Chemistry

Ibrahim Tahir is a BSc graduate of the United Arab Emirate University (UAEU). During his senior year at UAEU, Ibrahim participated in the Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Scholars Program (SMSP) and was awarded a full scholarship to continue his graduate studies at NYU. Currently, he is pursuing his passion as a Graduate Student at New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) under the Global Ph.D. Student Fellowships in Science program.

His current research focuses on combining the fundamental sciences with practical applications. Currently, he is working on combining photoinduced actuators with soft materials to create simple miniature robots. Achieving this requires collaboration from multiple disciplines, which is both challenging and exciting.

Ibrahim strongly supports forums of public discourse. He believes that clashing ideas should have an arena where intellectuals of various fields can present their perspectives on societal problems allowing them to expand their thinking. When not wearing a lab coat, you will find Ibrahim either participating or organizing such types of public forums. Most recently, Ibrahim participated in the Open English Debate Competition hosted by Kuwait’s National Debate Team.