Genetic Heritage Group

The Genetic Heritage Group is a collaborative research group dedicated to studying human heritage using genomics. For all projects in the lab, we conduct field expeditions and analyze our own data both independently and in collaboration with participation from local researchers. Using a loose definition of heritage as the attributes signifying a human population or a society that are inherited from previous generations, we categorize human heritage under four broad umbrellas: genomic, microbial, cultural, and natural.

Heritage Research Areas

  • We define genomic heritage as attributes or features in the human genome - our DNA that we have inherited from our ancestors - that are informative to understand human population histories, migrations, interactions, and adaptations to local environments. We are particularly interested in population histories of traditional populations of Himalaya and how they have adapted to various local selection pressures. We have several collaborative projects that are supported by generous financial investments from NYUAD.

    Current Research Project

    • Himalayan Genetics
      Understanding human population histories from 1000 Himalayan individuals from diverse ethnic populations in Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Tibet

The various planned and ongoing research projects in the Genetic Heritage Group are conducted in collaboration with Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology, Assam India (IASST), National Human Genome Research Institute, Maryland USA (NHGRI)Penn State University, Pennsylvania USA, Stanford University, California USA, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur Nepal (TU), and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC).