Martin Slosarik (Class of 2015) sends NYUAD's award-winning Wadi Drone into flight in a desert region near Abu Dhabi.
2015 is the Year of Innovation not only in the United Arab Emirates but also here at NYU Abu Dhabi. This year, many students and researchers alike have earned international attention for a range of groundbreaking and even life-protecting inventions.
Wadi Drone allows UAE rangers to gather images of wildlife from remote cameras around the desert without having to expose themselves to the harsh desert conditions.
2. Hackers create mobile health monitoring system for workers
The wearable device warns workers if they are dehydrated or getting too much sun and sends health data reports to governments or third parties.
3. Mosquito killing device wins international prize
It's an invention that could quell the spread of deadly mosquito-borne illnesses.
4. Interactive haptics tool helps people learn to write Arabic
Devices like these may help improve instruction in the future.
5. Researchers develop microprocessor to thwart criminal activity
The goal is to create a new type of secure microprocessor that will guard against reverse engineering, tampering, counterfeiting and overproduction, and intellectual property piracy.
“For the students this was an opportunity to help establish a model for a socially conscious, self-sustaining park that could lead the rest of the world."
XENON1T will be the most sensitive dark matter experiment in the world. NYU Abu Dhabi is a key partner.
Scientists work with the XENON 1T device located in a special physics lab deep underneath a mountain in central Italy. It is the world's most sensitive tool to find dark matter. NYUAD is a collaborating institution on the experiment.