Assistant Professor of Civil and Urban Engineering, NYU Abu Dhabi; Associated Faculty with the Civil and Urban Engineering Department, NYU TandonAffiliation:NYU Abu Dhabi Education: PhD University of Nottingham
Research Areas: Water treatment, wastewater treatment, membrane technology, atomic force microscopy, colloid and interface science
Dr Daniel Johnson received a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Sheffield, before pursuing a PhD investigating dissociation of peptide structures using force microscopy at the University of Nottingham. Since then his main research interests have been in the fields of membrane separation research, advanced water treatment, membrane surface characterisation, and colloid and interface science, all primarily within the context of improving wastewater treatment technology and processes.
He has made significant contributions to the characterisation of process equipment surfaces using atomic force microscopy (AFM), particularly in the development of novel membranes with improved fouling resistance and in the assessment of fouling of polymer filtration membranes and other surfaces of relevance to water purification processes. Recent activity has been in the fields of organic and biological fouling of membranes; development of polymer membranes for removal of heavy metals from contaminated sources; mitigating scaling in membrane distillation systems for sea water desalination, the development of novel biofouling resistant membranes, and forward osmosis treatment of wastewater. These activities have been aimed at improving water sustainability through enhanced membrane processes.
Courses Taught
This course introduces application of engineering and scientific principles to protect and preserve human health and the environment. It embraces broad environmental topics and concerns, including mass and energy transfer, environmental chemistry, mathematics of growth, water pollution, water quality control, air pollution, global climate change and solid waste management; and laboratory analysis of water and wastewater samples and treatment process tests. Students gain an understanding of the interrelatedness of environmental problems around the world and how different socioeconomic, technological, ethical, and other factors can impact both the environment and the approach to solving environmental problems. Factors and parameters affecting design of environmental systems are discussed and design in environmental engineering is introduced.
Prerequisite: ENGR-UH 2212
Previously taught: Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Fall 2024
Spring 2025;
14 Weeks Daniel James Johnson
MW 12:45 - 14:00
Taught in Abu Dhabi
Spring 2025;
14 Weeks Daniel James Johnson
M 14:10 - 16:50
Taught in Abu Dhabi
This course introduces students to the concepts of design related to solving problems in environmental engineering. It provides an exposure to real-world problems in water systems and wastewater treatment. Students work in small teams and experience the design process, including the definition of the design objectives and constraints, formation of the design concept, synthesis, and analysis of design options, as well as the development and testing of the proposed solution.
Prerequisite: ENGR-UH 3411
Previously taught: Fall 1 2016, Spring 1 2018, Fall 2 2018, Fall 1 2024
This course appears in...
Majors > Civil Engineering
Majors > General Engineering
2 credits
Students learn about the process of design with measurable metrics, and how to incorporate appropriate engineering standards and multiple realistic constraints in the design process. Students learn how to clearly frame the design problem and follow the design process to result in an optimized solution. Students perform a review of the relevant literature, develop a preliminary design, generate solution concepts and selection criteria, and review and evaluate the chosen design. Students must consider social, economic, lifecycle, environmental, ethical, and other constraints, and must document the design process and the evolution of their design. This project culminates with a final report and presentation that proposes the actual design selected for further development and/or prototyping and testing in the subsequent semester.
Prerequisite: Declared Engineering major and have senior standing Corequisite: Two credits of disciplinary elective course in senior Fall
Previously taught: Fall 2 2016, Fall 2 2017, Fall 2 2018, Spring 2 2019, Spring 2019, Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Fall 2024
Spring 2025;
14 Weeks Waleed El-Sekelly
M 14:10 - 15:25
Taught in Abu Dhabi
Fall 2025;
14 Weeks Pradeep George
F 08:00 - 09:15
Taught in Abu Dhabi
This course appears in...
Majors > Bioengineering
Majors > Computer Engineering
Majors > Electrical Engineering
Majors > General Engineering
Majors > Mechanical Engineering
The students finalize the proposed design solution, and test and verify the solution. Design modifications based on the test data are incorporated. If applicable, prototypes are built and tested. A final report for the project is prepared and the students make a presentation of their project to peers, faculty, and other professionals.
Prerequisite: ENGR-UH 4011
Previously taught: Spring 2017, Spring 2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Fall 2024
Spring 2025;
14 Weeks Pradeep George
T 08:30 - 11:10
Taught in Abu Dhabi
Spring 2025;
14 Weeks Pradeep George
F 14:20 - 17:00
Taught in Abu Dhabi
Spring 2025;
14 Weeks Pradeep George
F 09:25 - 12:05
Taught in Abu Dhabi
Spring 2025;
14 Weeks Pradeep George
T 15:35 - 18:15
Taught in Abu Dhabi
Spring 2025;
14 Weeks Pradeep George
T 11:20 - 14:00
Taught in Abu Dhabi
Spring 2025;
14 Weeks Pradeep George
R 14:10 - 16:50
Taught in Abu Dhabi
Spring 2025;
14 Weeks Pradeep George
Taught in Abu Dhabi