Digital Marketing
Digital options have the added benefit of tracking RSVPs and providing metrics and analytics about your campaigns.
As we continue to prioritize the safety and health of our community at this time, all events must follow the University’s guidance on events and gatherings.
We recognize that full compliance with the Green Events Standard (particularly in the areas of food and waste) may not be possible, but we highly encourage all event planners to follow the directives of the Green Events Checklist where possible.
The Green Events Standard is required for events with 48+ people but can be applied to all events for more sustainable food options and catering experiences.
NYU Abu Dhabi is committed to reducing the environmental impact of the hundreds of events hosted every year. This standard includes actions that reduce waste and improve the food and beverage service at events through minimizing single-use and landfill-bound materials; opting for more reusable, long-lasting, or sustainably produced goods; increasing recycling and composting rates; and offering healthier and lower-impact food options.