Sustainable development is a broad term generally thought to include equity, and economic and environmental concerns. “Sustainable Landscapes” can commonly be described as the landscapes that support environmental quality and conservation of natural resources with some other names as xeriscape, native landscape, and environmentally friendly landscape. A well-designed sustainable landscape reflects a high level of self-sufficiency. Once established, it should grow and mature on its own as nature had planted it.
In our case of the campus the situation is different due to many factors and as landscape is old and established so we cannot help to do much on that level but there are certain points and practices which can partially fulfil our purpose.
- By low- to no-usage of chemicals which is practical. Integrated Pest Management is a strategy used to manage insect pests in the landscape by using economically and environmentally sustainable practices. Four main categories of pest controls form IPM's foundation: cultural, biological, mechanical/physical and pesticide controls. The four work hand in hand to provide targeted, effective, long-term pest management, and each category plays a special role.
- By not using fuel-operated machineries and usage of electrical machines, which is in practice at site.
- By minimizing the intensive pruning, trimming, and shaping of the plants which can be practiced with the consent of the client.