Title: Quantum Algorithms for Practical Problem Solving on Current Hardware: Research Highlights from CQTech
Abstract: CQTech is a collaborative research group dedicated to developing quantum algorithms for diverse applications, including chemistry, logistics, oil and gas, and mineral exploration, with a strong focus on real quantum hardware implementations. Our efforts encompass variational algorithms, quantum annealing, and quantum machine learning (QML). We have effectively utilized IBM and D-Wave quantum computers for research projects and gained hands-on experience with many other quantum hardware during workshops.
In this talk, we will provide an overview of CQTech's research activities, including theoretical advancements in topological quantum computing (TQC), variational quantum algorithms for molecular static simulations and lattice problems, quantum annealing for optimization tasks, and QML-based clustering algorithms applied to mineral exploration. Additionally, we will highlight our quantum programming collaboration with qBraid and share insights from our successful participation in international quantum hackathons.
* Note: This talk will be presented virtually.