Quantum Information Theory and Free Probability


WHEN January 8-12, 2024
WHERE NYU Abu Dhabi WHO Center for Quantum and Topological Systems By Invitation Interested scholars please contact nyuad.cqts.info@nyu.edu

The developments of quantum physics one hundred years ago initiated numerous rapidly growing new strands in science. One of them is quantum information theory (QIT), a truly interdisciplinary field at the intersection of mathematics, computer science, and physics aiming at developing quantum algorithms for programming future quantum computers, amongst others. A further strand is free probability theory (FPT), a modern field of mathematics with many links to other areas such as random matrix theory. Recently, connections between quantum information and free probability have been revealed and the aim of this conference is to bring together experts from both communities in this worldwide first meeting in order to foster interactions and common research scopes.

Benoît Collins and Ion Nechita will be offering three 75-minute lectures each, on Quantum Information Theory and Free Probability. These lectures will emphasize the interplay and connections between these two domains. The full program, including the topics covered in each lecture, can be found on the conference's webpage.

  • Speakers and Abstracts

  • Marwa Banna, NYUAD
  • Moritz Weber, Saarland University

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