Spectrum congestion in commercial wireless communications is a growing problem as high-data-rate applications become prevalent. On the other hand, frequency bands earmarked for exclusive use by radar are underutilized. Spectrum sharing is a new line of work that aims to enable radar and communication systems to share the same frequency bands efficiently. There are two lines of research on spectrum sharing. The first one considers radar and communication systems on separate platforms, and addresses the design of signaling schemes that minimize the interference one system exerts to the other. The second line of research addresses the design of radars that communicate information at the same time they are performing their sensing functionality. Such systems, referred to as dual function radar communications (DFRC) systems, are implemented on the same platform.
In the first part of the talk we present our recent work on cooperative spectrum sharing framework, where the signaling schemes of the radar and communication systems are jointly designed to me a quality of service (QoS) metric for the radar, while meeting power and rate constraints for the communication system. Compared to non-cooperative approaches in the literature, our approach has the potential to improve the spectrum utilization because it introduces more degrees of freedom. We focus on a special case of MIMO radar, namely the matrix completion based MIMO radar (MIMO-MC), which perform sub-Nyquist rate sampling of the received signals and then recovers the missing samples via matrix completion. In addition to reducing the amount of data required, MIMO-MC radar offer a significant advantage for spectrum sharing. The advantage stems from the way the sub-sampling scheme at the radar receivers modulates the interference channel from the communication system transmitters, rendering it symbol dependent and reducing its row space. This makes it easier for the communication system to design its waveforms in an adaptive fashion so that it minimizes the interference to the radar subject to meeting rate and power constraints. In the second part of the talk, we present our current work on another form of spectrum sharing along the lines of dual functional radar communication systems (DFRC). In DFRC systems communication information is conveyed by the radar probing signals, thus there is no interference between radar and communication functionalities. We present a novel DFRC system, consisting of a sparse MIMO radar whose active antennas transmit orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) waveforms. The system communicates information via the transmitted data symbols and also via the pattern of active transmit antennas in a generalized spatial modulation (GSM) fashion. Unlike existing literature, the active antennas use most OFDM subcarriers in a shared fashion and only one in an exclusive fashion (private subcarrier). The shared subcarriers among antennas enable high communication rate. The private subcarriers facilitate the construction of a virtual array for higher angular resolution, and also the recovery of the active transmit antenna indices. The OFDM waveforms allow both systems to easily mitigate the effect of frequency selective fading.