Octavia Butler’s novel Parable of the Sower (Grand Central Publishing, 2000) imagines a dystopian future of environmental destruction and governmental chaos. Against this anarchic backdrop, one young girl sets out in search of safety, and along her journey creates the seeds of a harmonious new community. The novel imagines a future frighteningly similar to our own, and the saga of Lauren Ollamina will resonate with all of us. KITABuDHabi draws together readers from the Abu Dhabi community to share their thoughts about a common text. Readers have the opportunity to ask questions, offer opinions, and participate in the conversation.
Books are easily available at the NYUAD Bookstore and on amazon.com.
Hosted by
In Collaboration with
Electra Street: A Journal of the Arts and Humanities, NYUAD
Literature and Creative Writing Program, NYUAD