Contemporary Arab Cinema

Daughters of Abdul-Rahman by Zaid Abu Hamdan

Presented by the NYUAD Film and New Media Program

Monday, Oct 3 @ 7:30pm, 2022

Past Event

A live conversation with Jordanian filmmaker Zaid Abu Hamdan, accompanied by his film, Daughters of Abdul-Rahman

Years after escaping a dictated life, four estranged and offbeat sisters are forced to come together to find their suddenly-missing father. In their journey, secrets are revealed, and more. Zainab wakes up to a shocking discovery that could defame her in the neighborhood. She quickly calls for her sister’s aid. Yet, fiery Amaal has her own secret struggle and is not having it with her sister Samah, who is too busy to be there. Meanwhile Khitam tries to focus on her own mission.

Watch the trailer:


Zaid Abu Hamdan

Born and raised in Amman, Jordan, Zaid Abu Hamdan holds an MFA from the New York Film Academy in Hollywood, California. Zaid started his career working on international TV shows as an Assistant Director and Producer, including E! Entertainment’s coverage of the Golden Globe and Sesame Street. In addition, Zaid worked as a television reporter for Middle East Broadcast Corporation group (MBC Group) in Hollywood. He also worked on directing reality and scripted shows such as Sesame Street, a competition that shows and mentors the Arab Film Studio
program at Image Nation, Abu Dhabi. Since 2009, Zaid has written and directed five award winning and audience acclaimed short films, including Bahiya & Mahmoud, which was the official Jordanian submission to the Academy Awards in 2012.

English Subtitles

Director: Zaid Abu Hamdan
Written by: Zaid Abu Hamdan
Genre: Drama
Run time: 1hr 52min

Presented by the NYUAD Film and New Media Program in partnership with The Arts Center