
Creators Workshop - Satwa Stories: Poetic exploration through documentary techniques

Celebrating UAE National Day

Tuesday, Nov 23 @ 6pm

Past Event

Filmmakers Mahmoud Kaabour and Denise Holloway delve into the process of choosing spoken word to present their documentation of Satwa Stories – the critically-acclaimed spoken word piece / photo-novella depicting the hidden gems and iconic characters from Dubai’s Al Satwa neighborhood. This workshop will explore the creative possibilities of using poetry to present documentary research, specifically focusing on themes of fact-finding, wordplay, censorship, & image-making. Participants are encouraged to select five personal images or videos that center on a particular theme, location, or character.


Mahmoud Kaabour

Mahmoud Kaabour is a Lebanese filmmaker, author, and creative consultant who grew up in the UAE. He majored in Film Production at Concordia University and interned with the National Film Board and the CBC. His films Grandma, A Thousand Times, Champ Of The Camp & Being Osama won top awards at festivals like London International Doc Fest, MAMI & Tribeca. He lives in Berlin & Dubai.

Denise Holloway

Denise Holloway is a Canadian filmmaker who lives in Abu Dhabi since 2003. After graduating from Concordia University, Denise made feature documentaries for Canadian broadcasters. She led the development department at Veritas Films in the UAE. Her latest film, From the Hand of Man, follows the lives and work of a group of Muslim Indian carvers as they complete a large marble calligraphy project for the expansion of the Masjid Al Haramain Mecca.