5th Annual Edition

Short + Sweet 2020 - Postponed


Postponed - New date to be announced.

The Black Box

Past Event

Welcome to the world of Short+Sweet. A more creative world – ten minutes at a time!

Presenting the 5th annual Abu Dhabi edition. The Short+Sweet festival started in Sydney 16 years ago. Since then it has spread across the globe and is now in nine countries and over 28 cities. Short+Sweet arrived in the UAE in 2013, and has blossomed ever since.

Each year Short+Sweet worldwide presents around 500 ten-minute plays, utilizing the talents of the best locally-based young and established directors, actors, and technical personnel.

Each festival has three aims:

  1. To develop the artistry and craft of acting, directing, writing, and other forms of theater-making.
  2. To showcase ten-minute performances and to create a platform for artists’ telling stories.
  3. To create excellence – to stimulate and entertain audiences.

This year’s Abu Dhabi festival, presented in collaboration with Dubai’s The Junction, encompasses many genres and offers a fantastic platform for Abu Dhabi artists to experiment, network, and enhance their skills.

“Short+Sweet Franchise is growing at a phenomenal rate over the globe with our Dubai Chapter itself growing exponentially to 7 weekends in 7 years, making it the 2nd largest chapter of Short+Sweet in the world. Short+Sweet Abu Dhabi is the extension of S+S Dubai and we see great potential for it to grow and create more theatre artists from Abu Dhabi through this “Stepping Stone” into the Theatre world. With Short+Sweet UAE looking into starting S+S Sharjah this year, we are hoping all three festivals will be able to support each other and grow together to expand the Theatre world of the UAE. With the change in the time of the Abu Dhabi festival from January to May this year, we are keeping the doors for year-long Theatre in the UAE open and it’s all very very exciting.” – Sabiha Majgaonkar – The Junction