Hands on experience

Puppetry Workshop

outreach activity

Tuesday, May 9 @ 7pm

The Arts Center

Past Event

Learn from the puppeteers behind Kid Koala’s Nufonia Must Fall.

This is an opportunity to work directly with the team behind the theatrical masterpiece. Participants will work hands on with the show’s puppeteers while being guided through their techniques using the actual puppets from the performance.

This event has limited capacity. Book early.

About Kid Koala’s Nufonia Must Fall

Directed by K.K. Barrett, Oscar-nominated for Her (Spike Jonze), this live adaptation unfolds via real-time filming of more than a dozen miniature stages and a cast of puppets, while Kid Koala and the dynamic Afiara Quartet provide original live scoring on piano, strings and turntables (composed by Kid Koala.) The result of which is that the audience seems to be watching an animated film, but simultaneously sees puppets being filmed (and projected) in real time.

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