UAE Debut



Wednesday and Thursday, November 11 & 12, 2015, 8pm

The Black Box

Past Event

This Korean electronic music and multimedia ensemble’s playful high tech mashups are mind-blowing: sensory fireworks displays where sounds and visuals co-mingle and blur together.

Tacit Group devises improvised algorithmic visual and sound art that is mad, experimental fun for audiences, who both participate in and are enveloped by the action on stage. They focus as much on process as result—combining sources like mathematical code, video game systems, and real-time personal computer interactions live on stage to generate music and video that is viscerally thrilling and full of sly invention. A new breed of composers with laptops as instruments and a deep sense of play, this motley team’s real-time projection mapping and computer graphics create a unique performance that draws the audience into compelling soundscapes and stunning visual environments for the ultimate interactive concert. The program will include the world premiere of a work commissioned by The Arts Center: an Arabic alphabet version visualizing Terry Riley’s pioneering minimalist work “In C.”

“The ultimate improvisation in music and media expression.”–Understanding Hangul


They have performed at major art scenes in Korea, including Nam June Paik Art Center, MMCA, SeMA(Seoul Museum of Art), Art Center Nabi, and PAMS Choice. The group includes co-founders Jin Won Lee (aka Gazaebal “Lobster Foot”), the first Korean to rank at the top of the British Techno charts, and Jaeho Chang, a composer and media artist whose passion is developing algorithms based on computer programming and then composing music with them; Seoul based composer and sound artist Kyuwon Park(aka Q1); a professor of SangMyung Univ. who was one of founding member of Tacit Group Jerok Park; a composer and sound artist who has been working across different fields such as interactive sound, audio-visual and mapping projection Jeho Yun; award-winning composer, new media director and multi-disciplinary producer Kwangrae Kim; a composer, sound artist who has been working with diverse artists such as modern dancers, visual artists Taesun Yoo.”

The Arabic alphabet version of Terry Riley’s “ In C” in this performance was commissioned by the New York University Abu Dhabi Arts Center.