مركز الفنون

Shorts Film Program

Evolving Eyes and Revised Societies

7 Short Films - Preceded by a Gallery Talk

Friday, Feb 1 @ 7:30pm

الصندوق الأسود

حدث سابق

How we see the world shapes the world in turn.

A change in perception may become a change in all of civilization. Our relationship with the universe around us, then, is one of constant flux, both personally and as a species. The far-reaching films in this program concern how we see and inhabit our reality — past, future, and depths of the present — as the human eye gives way to cameras and screens and we seek the immortalities offered by museum collections, robotics, and biological regeneration.

The program includes:

The Last Job on Earth

  • [3 min | Moth Studio | UK | 2016]
  • Meet Alice, holder of the last recognisable job on Earth, trying to make sense of her role in an automated world.

Changing the World: Bit by Bit

  • [13 min | Ahmed Geaissa | UAE | 2017)
  • Aiming to educate about cryptocurrency technologies and potential, this documentary explores the mysterious world of Bitcoin.

The Prediction Machine

  • [15 min | Marleine van der Werf | Netherlands | 2017]
  • The short documentary ‘The Prediction Machine’ focuses on the research of acclaimed Dutch neuroscientist Floris de Lange. In his ‘Prediction lab’ he explores what predictions do with our perception. Inspired by the film ‘Robocop’ in his teens, De Lange became interested in the human brain and the question of whether you could reproduce it. But when he realized that no one has ever succeeded to create artificial intelligence that can perceive as well as humans do, this became his first step in his research to understand our brain.


  • [13 min | Jad Sleiman | Lebanon | 2018]
  • One night, a 30 year old Paleolithic man, living alone in the jungles, discovers a mysterious black liquid gurgling from inside his cave. At first contact, he finds himself immersed in a transcendent journey of exploration.

Through The Glass Lightly

  • [ 3 min | Alexis Gambis | UAE | 2018]
  • An older man meets his younger self in a timeless desert and tells him what the future holds.


  • [20 min | Amédée Sabra | Lebanon | 2017]
  • Jamil Salhab, a young man, is admitted to a rehab center for social media addicts due to his FOMO. Denied his phone, how will he get connected again?


  • [14 min | Ali Cherri | France / Lebanon | 2017]
  • Filmed inside a series of empty museum galleries across Paris, Ali Cherri’s Somniculus (the Latin word for “light sleep”) articulates the tension between the lives of objects and the living world that surrounds them.

Total running time: 81 minutes

Other films / programs in the festival

  • Three Identical Strangers
  • K2 and the Invisible Footmen
  • Conversations with Nature
  • The Experimental City

See the full program here.