The United Arab Emirates is confronting major public health challenges in tobacco use, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. These factors have complex co-determinants in human genetic susceptibility and environmental conditions, ranging potentially from the built environment to the human microbial milieu (microbiome). The mission of the New York University Abu Dhabi Public Health Research Center (PHRC) is to improve the health of the population in the United Arab Emirates through scientific research.
NYUAD PHRC focuses on addressing critical health topics for the UAE through these projects:
UAE Healthy Future Study
As the first prospective cohort study in the United Arab Emirates, the UAE Healthy Future Study will provide unique and substantive evidence for both lifestyle and genetic determinants of common diseases in the UAE population.
Interventional Studies Research
Examining the impact of evidence-based interventions to improve outcomes related to
physical activity, diabetes, tobacco use cessation and exposure to secondhand smoke.
Dokha Tobacco Research
Dokha tobacco is an alternative product that is endemic to the region, but has recently grown in appeal globally. The PHRC at NYUAD has convened a cadre of international experts in tobacco use to examine the biological, socio-behavioral, and clinical practice impacts of dokha tobacco.