Loving the Liberal Arts Education

Amina Al Mulla loves the exposure to different subjects that comes with a liberal arts education.

Name: Amina Al Mulla
Major(s): Film and New Media 
Division: Arts and Humanities
Home Country: United Arab Emirates

When Amina Al Mulla, born and raised in Dubai, was looking for a college, NYU Abu Dhabi met all of her requirements. She was looking for a liberal arts education and a student body that would give her exposure to a range of cultures and backgrounds while still being in the UAE.

“It's a truly liberal arts school where you don't study one thing, but multiple subjects while pursuing one degree. I get exposed to many different experiences and environments,” Al Mulla said. 

Al Mulla had easy access to materials and course work that were beyond her field of study — something her peers studying in other universities did not experience due to the linear nature of their courses. Being able to study abroad was also a bonus for Al Mulla who has been to Greece, Germany, and the Czech Republic in the last four years. 

A Different Type of Directing

As Al Mulla looks back at her time at NYUAD, she points to the class by Associate Arts Professor of Film Scandar Copti called Directing the Non-Actor. The class offered Al Mulla insights into the process of creating drama by getting people to react emotionally to a fictional situation. In this course, Al Mulla learned to direct a film in a constructed plot that brings non-actors to respond to a series of scenarios without being aware that they are being directed. She enjoyed the engaging and interactive nature of the class, “I did not think I was capable of doing such things and producing such works.” 

The Ideal Study Environment

Having spent months studying virtually, Al Mulla was surprised at how she could fill up her freetime within the walls of her home. It was a valuable lesson. “I’ve learned that boredom is not an excuse… there’s always something to do,” Al Mulla said. 

Yet, like many of her fellow students, Al Mulla longed to be back in the stimulating environment of the campus and at the first opportunity, Al Mulla chose to return to despite classes still being held online.

With Commencement held in person this year, Al Mulla was excited to show her parents around her favorite spots in Abu Dhabi, the city she now calls home.