Prince Steven Annor

Associate Instructor of Engineering Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
Education: BS NYU Abu Dhabi

Research Areas: Computer Science Education, Internet of Things, Embedded Systems

Prince Steven Annor is an Associate Instructor of Engineering at New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD). He completed his BSc in Computer Engineering after studying and working in Abu Dhabi, New York, Shanghai, Accra, Karnataka, Mumbai, and Manila during his undergraduate years at NYUAD.

His journey with computer programming started in 2014 at an innovation boot camp, where he led his team to win the pitch day. Prince has since worked on various projects that connect people to services that improve productivity, like the Mobile Print Project in 2016, which provided over 500 students with mobile printing capability. In 2018, he and two colleagues won the UAE Space Hackathon in Dubai. He also placed second in the HackNYU competition at NYUAD.

In research, Prince developed a haptic-enabled virtual reality museum and co-authored two IEEE publications titled "The Role of Haptics in Digital Archaeology and Heritage Recording Processes" and "IoT Enhancements for an In-house Calm Computing Environment." He also built a Computer Vision and Simultaneous Localization and Mapping system in 2019 that was applied to collaborative drone swarms for relative localization. Prince is currently developing a calm computing system that incorporates various sensors, actuators, communication protocols, and mobile and watches applications with Google Assistant for effective control and automation in calm computing applications.

In education, Prince has shared his passion for coding by teaching and mentoring over 100 students at several coding workshops in Accra and Abu Dhabi. In 2019, he was awarded the Processing Foundation fellowship. He developed an automatic grading system and launched a mobile-based coding learning platform for over 700 students in Africa and the diaspora. He also co-authored the 8th Computer Science Education Research Conference paper (CSERC) — "Keep Calm and Code on Your Phone: A Pilot of SuaCode, an Online Smartphone-Based Coding Course," 10th CSERC paper — "AutoGrad: Automated Grading Software for Mobile Game Assignments in SuaCode Courses," and 10th CSERC paper — "SuaCode Africa: Teaching Coding Online to Africans using Smartphones:" all three published by ACM.