Student Persistence and Well-being

Student Persistence and Well-being empowers students to build their holistic well-being so they experience academic and personal success. The department offers one-to-one academic and student support coaching to help students identify and meet their goals, mandatory programs and opt-in initiatives for students to holistically invest in their well-being, and collaborates with staff, faculty, and students to support students of determination while serving as a liaison to the Moses Center for Accessibility and Inclusive Culture at NYU.

Key People

Tina Wadhwa

Associate Dean of Students; Director of Student Persistence, Well-being, and Residential Life

Jessica Bowers Chukwu

Associate Director, Student Support Coaching

Remy Shanker

Assistant Director, Health Promotions

Sara Hassan

Assistant Director, Student Support Coaching

Yenushka Karunaratne

Assistant Director, Student Well-being

Zainab AlHasan

Coordinator, Student Persistence and Accessibility